Nexopia predator does get light sentence

Calgary man sentenced to two years in jail for luring girls via Internet:

Matthew Alan Armstrong of Calgary, Alberta was convicted for using Nexopia to lure minors into having sex with him. If you’ll recall he’s the guy who approached a 14-year-old girl, a 15-year-old girl, a 19-year-old girl who posed as a 13-year-old girl ala To Catch a Predator, and a 13-year-old girl who was actually a police detective and had sex with the 14-year-old girl in a train station bathroom.

Previously his lawyer argued that his client should get time served because he allegedly has muscular dystrophy which affects his judgment. Never mind the fact that the 27-year-old Armstrong told his victims that age is ‘just a number’.

He might as well have gotten time served because for all his actions Armstrong only got less than 2 years behind bars. After that, he’ll be on probation for only 3 years and be a registered sex offender for 20.

So once he’s 47 he’ll be free to prey on young girls again. Pathetic.

One thought on “Nexopia predator does get light sentence”

  1. That’s just disgusting!
    I think people who have sex with minors should be forced to have sex with seniors! Then they’d know what it’s like!!
    Imagine! Giving some poor girl an orgasm! So cruel! An eye for an eye, I say!


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