It’s ok to kill craigslist prostitutes in Texas

Ezekiel Gilbert

Man Acquitted in Craigslist Escort Death:

Texas Man, Ezekiel Gilbert, Acquitted For Killing Craigslist Escort Lenora Ivie Frago:

The other day I brought you the story of the 2009 shooting death of 23-year-old Lenora Ivie Frago of San Antonio, Texas. I can’t call it a murder anymore but I’m getting ahead of myself.

Ms. Frago was working as a craigslist prostitute and had her services solicited by 30-year-old Ezekiel Gilbert. He paid her $150 but she refused to have sex with him. To get back his money Gilbert shot her. She was kept alive by life support for months until her family finally decided to take her off of it. If you’ve ever had family in that kind of situation you know how difficult that process can be.

Gilbert’s attorney argued that Gilbert used reasonable force to reclaim his property, in this case, the $150. I thought there was no way a jury could buy this but they did. Earlier today Gilbert was acquitted of the charges against him.

The Texas law allows citizens to use such force to “retrieve stolen property at night” or to hinder a burglar from escaping the scene of a crime during the night, as long as the person “reasonably” thinks that they have no other means of protecting their property.

So they don’t take into consideration that this shooting was done during the commission of another crime, the crime of prostitution. Last time I checked that was still illegal in Texas. If this was a drug deal gone bad would Gilbert have been acquitted? I doubt it. This is why no one cares about human trafficking. All its victims are seen as nothing more than human trash who deserve what they got.

Obviously, Ms. Frago had a family that cared about her and all because some loser who couldn’t get laid on his own wanted his precious 150 bucks back she had to lie brain-dead for months while this jackhole is able to carry on with his life. Normally when a person is acquitted of a crime I remove all traces of it from my website, but not this one. This one needs to remain in order to show the injustice that was done and how poorly our society thinks of women like Ms. Frago who deserve better.

So if there are any aspiring serial killers out there head to Texas. You can kill all the hookers you want and just claim you were reclaiming your property.

6 thoughts on “It’s ok to kill craigslist prostitutes in Texas”

  1. they seem to be dropping the ball quite a bit lately- you try and tell them about fraud and other crime and they don’t bother looking into it -must be embarrassment


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