Miranda Barbour’s mom doubts serial killer claim

Mother doubts Craigslist killing suspect’s claims:

Elytte and Miranda Barbour

Miranda Barbour’s mother, Elizabeth Dean, lives in North Carolina and was recently interviewed by local media about her 19-year-old daughter’s claim about being a satanic serial killer. Ms. Dean says it’s not likely that her daughter is a serial killer considering how fast Miranda and her husband, Elytte Barbour, were caught for the murder of Troy LaFerrara.

Ms. Dean did have something interesting to say about the cult aspect if things though. She said that while they were living in Alaska that Miranda did join a cult and had a swastika carved in the back of her neck. To me and I’m sure to most people that sounds more like Miranda joined a hate group or gang.

Still, I wouldn’t be surprised if Miranda Barbour had killed before but there is no way that she’s responsible for the murders of the 22 people she claims.

3 thoughts on “Miranda Barbour’s mom doubts serial killer claim”

  1. This lovely couple lived five miles away from me until they left North Carolina a month or so ago. I never met them, though, so there’s that.


  2. ABC interviewed her dad, who says she’s always been a master manipulator and liar. And she ran away, twice, around age 13/14 and was missing for two days, and is apparently a heroin addict.

    If she really ran away at that age and was missing for TWO DAYS both times, and nobody knows what went on either time, she should have been checked in to a mental hospital or something.


    1. She WAS in fact in and out of instatutions and group homes her father was absent a lot with his job and her mom was the sole caregiver for a lot of Miranda’s childhood.. Miranda’s father also refused to let her live with him and his new family after she revealed she was pregnant and he even gave her the money for an abortion. Now he’s the caregiver of Miranda’s child :/ I just hope he finds more time for his grandchild than he did for his child.


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